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activities for lazy activists

I'll be honest - I don't particular enjoy spending time at home on my free time watching movies and being lazy (unless I am so exhausted from travelling and my main activities that my body just has to take a day off). If I keep doing this for longer time, I would start being depressed and unhappy all the time. Of course, I do not judge anyone who prefers passive free time over an active one, but it just simply does not work for me. So I've been thinking about creating a list what could be done when you're too bored and out of ideas what to do on your day off. 1. Mini golf 2. Ice skating 3. Bicycles, long-boards, roller blades, skates in the park - you name it. 4. Bowling/pool alley 5. Indoor or outdoor trampoline 6. Amusement park 7. Laser tag 8. Roadtrips (most likely my favourite thing to do) 9. Skiing 10. Hiking - written in 2019, prior covid times, now I do enjoy spending time at home. 

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